Kevin O'BryanKevin O'Bryan

Be Inspired, Be Informed, Be Glorious!

I would say I’m surprised that it’s almost the end of March 2023 already, however, the way time’s been running along, it feels like the new year has just begun (for me anyway). With a…

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Happy 2023! Did you miss me? Because I sure missed you guys. I don’t intend to do a recap of 2022, needless to say, it was a good year mixed with learnings and changes that…

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If you’ve seen the news or just general information available online, you would know that travelling in the summer of 2022 is an extreme sport, just read this. With all the chaos, you would assume…

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If I could travel back in time, I would tell my 14 year old self that when we become an adult, people will randomly compliment us on how good our skin looks. The fact is,…

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Wake Up! I woke up one morning and it was the end of 2019 and for the first time in years, I chose not to ring in the new year at a party or event.…

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Birthday Tings Today marks two important milestones, my blogs’ second year of active existence and my Birthday!!! It was no accident that my blog was launched on my birthday 2 years ago as I needed…

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I have been adrift. Somewhat overwhelmed by work, some aspects of life and just the cut and thrust of existing. There’s a fix however, that most of us have access to, if we are full…

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One of Oprah Winfrey’s greatest gifts to the modern world was her special Oprah Winfrey Show episode that she usually dedicated to her favourite things! It was always around Christmas time and for the lucky…

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We be Rolling The carefree days of summer are basically over and while the warmth will continue in Jamaica, there is definitely a feeling that we associate with summer days, such as  holidays and the…

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The first two months of 2018 have been quite interesting for me as I've been hit with a case of fatigue and lethargy which are both exacerbated by a bad case of insomnia. Two very important…

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