Kevin O'BryanKevin O'Bryan

Be Inspired, Be Informed, Be Glorious!

Tag Archives: Life Lessons

Alone and Loving it Society and the world would have you believe that you are out of place and somehow don’t fit in, if you choose to navigate certain spaces alone. So ingrained has this…

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Birthday Tings Today marks two important milestones, my blogs’ second year of active existence and my Birthday!!! It was no accident that my blog was launched on my birthday 2 years ago as I needed…

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I have this unwritten rule when it comes to my relationships - personal, professional or otherwise: “The more often that someone has to tell me ‘sorry’ is the more I have to consider the merit…

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Just over a year ago I made a big step and finally moved out of my childhood home. I alluded to that change here but only now have I been able to fully digest how…

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I have been adrift. Somewhat overwhelmed by work, some aspects of life and just the cut and thrust of existing. There’s a fix however, that most of us have access to, if we are full…

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It has taken me a long time to learn an important lesson about life and relationships. It is the fact that I do not need to understand or ‘figure out’ why people treat me a…

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Sometimes I get all hot and bothered about how terrible people can be, in every sphere of life. It simply amazes me how selfish and garbage we are to each other, in daily life. For…

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I’ve been absent but not missing. What started out as a one month blogging break eventually turned into a two month sabbatical. The break became necessary as I used the time to manage some monumental…

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It’s been said that money makes the world go round, but mis-use of it can bring your entire world crashing down. Case in point, online shopping is so super convenient but left unchecked, it can…

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I have had a very complicated relationship with money my entire life. As an adult that relationship has gone through 3 stages – Awareness, Humility and Strategic. I became aware of the power of money…

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