Kevin O'BryanKevin O'Bryan

Be Inspired, Be Informed, Be Glorious!

Tag Archives: live and learn

By a certain age we all eventually realize that life is a cycle of actions, reactions and consequences. It also becomes crystal clear that there will be moments when we are on top of a…

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Wake Up! I woke up one morning and it was the end of 2019 and for the first time in years, I chose not to ring in the new year at a party or event.…

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If you’ve been a reader of this blog for some time, or if you know me, you would have picked up that I am a Toastmaster and a fan of public speaking. Working in communications,…

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Birthday Tings Today marks two important milestones, my blogs’ second year of active existence and my Birthday!!! It was no accident that my blog was launched on my birthday 2 years ago as I needed…

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I have this unwritten rule when it comes to my relationships - personal, professional or otherwise: “The more often that someone has to tell me ‘sorry’ is the more I have to consider the merit…

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Corporate Russian Roulette There are days when I go to work and before 10 am, I am fully ready to hand in my resignation and just say ‘Screw it All!’ Yes, this is real life.…

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Just over a year ago I made a big step and finally moved out of my childhood home. I alluded to that change here but only now have I been able to fully digest how…

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I have been adrift. Somewhat overwhelmed by work, some aspects of life and just the cut and thrust of existing. There’s a fix however, that most of us have access to, if we are full…

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The Journey continues In my previous post I led you through the forest that is prepping and getting your motor vehicle sold. I still have more to share on that score as the process can…

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The Beginning I recently completed what I consider one of the second most testing processes I have ever had to endure: selling my car in Jamaica. Other people may have had varying experiences with this…

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