Kevin O'BryanKevin O'Bryan

Be Inspired, Be Informed, Be Glorious!

Tag Archives: live and learn

It has taken me a long time to learn an important lesson about life and relationships. It is the fact that I do not need to understand or ‘figure out’ why people treat me a…

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Sometimes I get all hot and bothered about how terrible people can be, in every sphere of life. It simply amazes me how selfish and garbage we are to each other, in daily life. For…

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If you know me personally, you are very aware that I love a good laugh and my sense of humour is always ready to be tickled. With that preamble there should be no surprise about…

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  Email writing etiquette in the professional environment is very important. It could mean the difference between making a lifelong work friend or making an enemy forever that could realistically, lead to your dismissal. Many…

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I’ve been absent but not missing. What started out as a one month blogging break eventually turned into a two month sabbatical. The break became necessary as I used the time to manage some monumental…

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The first two months of 2018 have been quite interesting for me as I've been hit with a case of fatigue and lethargy which are both exacerbated by a bad case of insomnia. Two very important…

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Recently, I lost my cousin to cancer. It was a first in my family, for us to lose someone who was part of my generation. Her name was Keisha and she was like a big…

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We have a way of mistitling and misrepresenting the people in our lives. We mistakenly call some 'friends', 'day ones', 'girlfriend', 'boyfriend', 'Bae' - all in the name of placement and proximity. The truth is,…

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After the rush of Christmas and all things festive to ring out 2017, I took the first two weeks of 2018 as a time to reflect, observe and feel out the pace of this very…

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It’s the most wonderful time of the year, Christmas! Festive, colourful, filled with religious symbolism and a spendthrift’s playground. The Christmas season always gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside, because I grew up spending…

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